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Член на Българска Асоциация за Управление и Развитие на Човешките Ресурси |
A Clinical Approach to Organizational Consulting
(designed and developed by ORGDYNE Training and Consulting)
Introduction and primary task:
This online seminar is open to members of the ORGDYNE-Invision Power Board (OIPB), as well as other individuals who are looking to explore ways of understanding the covert and unconscious behavior of groups and organizations, as it relates to task, authority, and decision making. An exploration and examination of the hidden, often elusive processes in organizations can significantly enhance the reflective skills of a consultant and add to her repertoire of competencies.
The Presenting Problem:
As is sometimes the case, consultants do not take the time to delve into a client's presenting problem, with the right combination of skills and rigor that are often needed to excavate unspoken and unconscious anxieties. Without sufficient depth, the history of the problem cannot be fully appreciated, and organizational interventions are often made with the "here and now" in mind, while ignoring the historical root of the problem. This seminar will help participants ask themselves (and their clients) the right questions that are designed to bring out of the shadows, unconscious material which can then be consciously addressed.
Some Important Questions:
-What is the "verbalized/manifest" primary task?
-What is the "perceived/tacit" primary task?
-What is the "shared fantasy" of the group and how does this fantasy relate to the unconscious "basic assumptions?"
-Are the basic assumptions supporting or undermining the "primary task" of the work group?
-How are the "basic assumptions" and the "nonverbalized anxiety" contributing to the formation of "social defenses" within the group?
-How do the "social defenses" preserve the organizational identity? How do they suppress creativity and perpetuate anxiety?
-Is there a variance/conflict between the "espoused" and "practiced" norms within the organization? What anxieties are triggered by such contradictions?
The seminar will be a combination of short commentaries, case presentations/dicussions, and group reflection based on the work of internationally distinguished authors and educators, such as Manfred Kets de Vries, Edgar Schein, Chris Argyris and others, who are best known for their incisive "clinical" perspective on organizations. What we hope to achieve during this eight-week course, is to introduce our participants to key clinical concepts and theoretical constructs, that will have emerged from the cases and collective reflection. In particular, we will view the seminar as a learning organization designed to explore the "here and now" and the "there and then", both of which have a unique place in consulting. There will be special emphasis on "projective identification" as a group construct, for understanding the nature of unconscious projective processes and how to survive them (see Cynthia Rogers, Tom Gilmore, James Krantz, et.al) in organizational work.
End Notes:
We hope to kick off this seminar on Monday, April 10, 2006 on the Invision Power Board (exact date tbd). The duration of this seminar will be 8 weeks. Please see below, information on the seminar fee and online registration:
Registration (Secure Server):
http://www.orgdyne.com/contact.html (click on the "Buy Now" button to complete the transaction)
-Regular fee: $165.00
-Early Bird special (if paid by March 5): $130.00
-Graduate Students: $ 90.00
(must provide information on their school/institution of higher learning)
-Indian residents: INR 2000/- (can be paid by DD to our New Delhi office)
-ORGDYNE-Invision Power Board (OIPB) members: 20% off the regular/early bird special fee, if you have already used up your entitlement to one FREE course this year.
(Please note that if you haven't yet registered for OIPB membership, you can do so and get this course for FREE, with your paid membership. 2006 membership dues are set at $75.00 and must be paid by March 5, 2006 to qualify. When registering, please state "OIPB New Member" in the required field.)
Bursaries and Scholarship:
We will offer 10 need-based scholarships to really deserving individuals from around the world, who can demonstrate financial hardship OR an inability to remit funds in US dollars or an acceptable currency.
Warm regards,
Anil Behal, MSM, Ph.D.
ORGDYNE Training and Consulting